
Mortgage loan officer, Regions Bank in San Antonio

2020 president, Texas Mortgage Bankers San Antonio


Residential mortgage loan originator, Rocket Mortgage

Associate broker, eXp Realty in Dallas

Author/educator, Alliance Academy


How do you normally interact with real estate agents?

华伦: 作为一名信贷员,我通常会从REALTORS®获得推荐,以联系他们的潜在买家. 然后,在整个资格认证过程中,我都与他们保持沟通,让贷款获得批准.

卡希尔: 在理想的情况下, 让抵押贷款人和2021十大正规彩票app人互动的最佳时机是在买家出去买房子之前. 在他们出去购物之前拿到预批准信意味着他们不会爱上一个他们没有机会赢得的房子.

What are some of the most common topics that you deal with?

华伦: 我的工作是让客户了解他们在申请贷款时有哪些选择, because it is not one size fits all by any means. I get their story from them in the initial prequalification process. After having pulled a credit report, 我可以很好地确定他们会属于哪一类只要他们有资格. And then we discuss the various options within the range that they’re in. Then it’s a matter of them choosing what fits their personal goals.

卡希尔: 处理有信用问题和收入不稳定的借款人可能是最常见的问题. Self-employed borrowers have the hardest time, 在COVID之后, the underwriting guidelines require more documentation.

Another common topic would be proof of funds. I talked with a borrower who was ready to make an offer on a house; she needed a preapproval letter. 我们谈话的时候,她告诉我她的资产在衣柜里的保险箱里,而不是在银行里. 我们称之为“床垫钱”,不幸的是,床垫钱并不用于资格考试. It has to be in the bank and “seasoned” for at least two months.

What do you wish real estate agents knew about your business?

华伦: I wish agents were more aware of mortgage guidelines. 如果是的话, 他们会在最初与客户会面时发现可能存在的障碍或障碍,并尽快将客户带到信贷员面前. If agents skip those discussions about resources and expectations, 或者不知道指导方针, 他们可能是在浪费客户的时间,向他们展示他们无法获得资金的房屋.

卡希尔: 我希望经纪人能帮助他们的客户了解截止日期的重要性,以及小的延迟会累积起来. 通常,买家并不知道及时提交所要求的文件有多重要. There are so many transactions going through each lender right now, 所以如果买家还没准备好, the lender will move on to the next transaction that is ready. A delay of a day here or there can delay the closing.

我也希望中介能更好地了解贷款流程和贷款类型. Real estate agents don’t need to know everything about the loan process, 但了解一些基本知识可以节省他们的时间,并确保他们与有能力购买房屋的客户合作.


华伦: 一些经纪人认为,信贷员有权决定收取什么费用、收取什么利率或折扣. We honestly don’t have that anymore. Also, we do not have control over appraisals. They are dependent on market data.

卡希尔: A common misperception is that agents and loan officers aren’t on the same team. 代理人可能会说, oh, your loan officer is going to take care of that. We’re working for the same client and mutually working together. You want to have a good partnership and good communication. 建立一种高度信任的关系,当事情出错时,信贷员会觉得和你沟通很舒服. 当买家选择一个你不认识的贷款机构或一个有客户服务部门的大型贷款机构时,这可能是一个挑战. 但是学习如何在这种情况下保持沟通畅通会让你的客户受益.

What questions should real estate agents and their clients ask lenders?

华伦: REALTORS® should ask about the processes for a particular lender. Do you underwrite the file as soon as it’s turned into processing, or do you wait until everything is in before you send it to underwriting? Do you offer a preapproval without a property address? Get to know what programs are being offered by lenders.

What are the most important criteria when choosing a mortgage broker?

卡希尔: 我想说经验,特别是如果你和背景复杂的借款人合作. You need somebody who really knows how to navigate the system. Also, having multiple types of products is helpful. 与你合作的贷款人应该知道他们擅长什么,不擅长什么,当他们不能帮助你的买家时,他们可以做强有力的推荐.


记住:你不能支付按揭专业人士的费用或其他有价值的报酬,以获得推荐或被列入首选代理名单. 您也不能接受抵押专业人士的费用或有价值的考虑,以推荐或列入此类名单. 请阅读RESPA第8(a)条和TREC规则第535条中有关结算服务提供商的完整规则.148.

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